Wednesday 6 March 2013

REVIEW: Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

Pub. Date: February 5th 2013
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: 461
Readership: Young adult
Genres: dystopia, sci-fi

tick tick tick tick tick   
it's almost time for war. 
Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance. 
She's finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.  
Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.  
In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam's life.

Where do I even begin!? What a thrill ride Unravel Me was. I finished it well over a week ago but I'm still reeling from all the feels that it gave me.

Unravel Me definitely does not suffer from the second book in a trilogy, the sophomore slump. No way. I loved absolutely every second of it. We get to learn more about the underground establishment that Juliette is now a part of, and lots more about the characters that we met at the end of Shatter Me. But of course, we got to learn even more of those we already knew very well.

Juliette was as amazing and heartbreaking as ever. She's still broken, still afraid of the world and herself and sometimes I just wanted to wrap her up and give her a hug - if she was wearing her gloves and suit of course, haha. It takes her a while to finally come into her own; I wasn't sure she was even going to at all for a while there. But I still loved her. The amazing thing about her is a lot of the readers can see bits of themselves in Juliette, me especially, and I think that's why I love her so much. She really came into her own and realized her strength by the end of the novel.

Adam, though... Oh my sweet boy. I've seen a few comments that he was too whiny and a little pathetic as the novel went on but honestly, I could see where he's coming from. I'm not going to spoil it but Adam gets hit with a few knowledge bombs that really throw him for a loop. He was dealing with a lot of things in Shatter Me and he is still dealing with those things in Unravel Me and then he gets hit with even more. I think in the future it's going to cause him to really shut down emotionally. But I love him and will continue to love him.

Warner is another story. In Shatter Me, I hated him. I thought he was vile, deplorable, a poor excuse for a human being and downright disgusting. I was so confused and offended that people considered him a love interest for Juliette. How could they if they respected her and liked her? Then Unravel Me happened and all of that went out the window. At first I was hesitant and tried my best to continue to dislike him. I kept thinking that there had to be some ulterior motive to what he said and everything that he did. But I couldn't. Tahereh made me fall head over heels in love with him.

And Kenji! I am so, so thrilled that we got to see a whole lot more of him. He is the comic relief but that isn't all that he is. He's got a lot more depth to him than I originally thought and I hope that we see a lot more of him in the next book.

Tahereh's writing is stunning. I couldn't, and still cannot, get over how original it is and how well it flows. It blows me away and I wished I had sticky notes when I was reading to mark favorite passages and quotes.

Unravel Me blew me away. There was action, tears, anger, evil bastards and amazing heroes. It is by far one of my favorite reads so far this year.



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